What Indians Called White People

I found something unexpected in the January 1912 edition of The Red Man when I turned a page and saw an article titled “How the American Indian Named the White Man” by Alexander F. Chamberlain, Professor of Anthropology at Clark University. I was curious at first because I didn’t understand what was meant by the title. However, the first sentence made things very clear: “‘Paleface’ is not the only name by which the ‘white man’ is known to the ‘red.’” The author’s premise was quite reasonable. It makes perfect sense that Indians would coin names for us that described white people as they saw them. It also reminded me of the punchline in that Tonto and the Lone Ranger joke we told as kids: “What do you mean we, paleface?” But I digress. The author explained that different tribes coined different names and had different names for some of the European nationalities.


Many of the names, as expected, had to do with skin color. Several tribes called us “white,” “white person,” “white skin,” etc. In addition to these the Algonkian Arapahos referred to us as “yellow-hided.” Whether it had to do with skin or hair color or courage is unknown. Kiowas used a term that meant “hairy mouth” and the Zunis referred to the early Spaniards as “moustached people.” “They of the hairy chest” was used by Algonkian Miamis.


Ears also played a role. Kiowas used the same word for white men that they used for donkeys and mules. It meant “ears sticking out” because Indians’ ears were partially covered by their hair. Crows and Upsarokas called white men “yellow eyes.” Our voices were not altogether pleasing to theKiowas as they also called white men “growlers.”


Clothing also played a role in the naming. Mohawks of the Lake of the Two Mountains in Quebec thought the tam o’shanters worn by early Scot settlers looked like cow patties and called them “ota,” their word for cow droppings. Englishmen would agree with the Objibwa who described Scots as “he who speaks differently.”

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31 Responses to “What Indians Called White People”

  1. Brianna.V.B. Says:

    Have you ever heard of the Native Indians calling white people The Square People (because they built and lived in square houses)? I read that a long time back probably in a library book, but can’t find anything about it on the internet.

    • tombenjey Says:

      I haven’t heard that, Brianna, but I could easily imagine they did for the reasons you stated. My favorite is that they called Scots their word for cow patties because the tam o’shanters they wore resembled them.


    • Quaint Says:

      You got that notion from book *When the Legends Die*, a 1963 American novel, written by Hal Borland. In that was the bit about rounded living – and white man’s living with sharp corners.

  2. Luanna scott Says:

    My tribes name for “white” people
    Translates to “knife wielder ” it refers to an action not a color . Very offensive where I come from .

  3. Luanna scott Says:

    The term for “white” people in my tribes language translates to “knife wielder”
    It refers to an action not a color . Very offensive term where I am from .

    • Quaint Says:

      in my family – Canadian non-status natives – the line was always *Who is this WE, white man?*.
      And that was what we would mumbled under our breath when terms like asshole or dick would have worked just as well – white man.

  4. Realguy Says:

    WHY didn’t they just call them devils for their actions

  5. Ray Says:

    In early “Westerns” the native Anerican would call white men, “White eyes” or “Wide eyes”. Which is it and is it true?

    • tombenjey Says:

      Since talkies didn’t come about until 1927, any dialog in early westerns would have been on subtitles. It would seem that any words on them would have been written by the people who created the film and would not likely have been authentic language in most cases.

  6. Adam Says:

    Some Planes Tribesmen called Whites “hair faces” and “dog faces,” because of our beards. At least Blackfeet and Crow did, I believe. Also, Crow and Apsaroke are the same people, Apsaroke being their name for themselves—apparently the author didn’t know that.

    This is off subject but I can find it nowhere: Does anyone know what meaning the word “child” has in Indian names? As in Bear White Child, Buffalo Child, Red Crow Child, etc. Does it mean something other than an actual child? Sorry for asking here but I really can’t find it anywhere. Thanks.

    • tombenjey Says:

      Here’s a wild guess that is probably incorrect: Could it be a name given to an infant before it’s earned a name?

    • Soma Says:

      I don’t know, but I’d guess it implies being the figurative child of whatever the other part of the name is. In Ancient Egypt, that was the case; “Mese”/”Meses”/”Mose”/”Moses” means “Child’ by itself, but when combined with the name of a god, it’s more accurately translated as “[insert god here] conceived him”. For example, “Ramses” means “Ra conceived him” or “Son of Ra”. Same goes for Thutmose/Djehutimese, which means “conceived by Thoth/Djehuti”. In the case of Native American names (don’t call them “Indian”, I’m an actual Indian, from India, and it gets really irritating), I would guess it was something similar, but having to do with spirits or attributes, rather than deities.

      • tombenjey Says:

        In Washington is the National Museum of the American Indian, so named to differentiate themselves from other indigenous peoples found in what is the present-day United States.

  7. Dave D. Says:

    White people came to be referred to as wasichu. Wasichu is a Lakota word, meaning taker of the fat or greedy one.

  8. dollops Says:

    Northwest coast tribes still say “Umsewah”, “bleached wood” referring, of course to our pallid skin. It is seldom inflected impartially.

  9. Dolores Rider Says:

    Wow! Interesting. The only thing I know is my great great great grandfather was Sioux Indian. I don’t know a dang thing about anything other than he was a chief and obviously he mated with a Irish female; my great, great, great grandma.

  10. Shaelynn Says:

    I would like to say this ‘Indians’ term being used in the title. Is very offensive and not all indigenous people use this terms against your people. So you should change the title or take it down. You should get educated on ‘Indians’ before using it. It would be very appreciated if you take this in account next time.

  11. Nana Asmana Says:

    Since the name “Indian” is based on a mistake and confusing perhaps we should (finally) think of a creative way to solve this. Why not come up with a different name for the originals inhabitants of the continent? I understand that they themselves used to call “North America” Turtle Island, so I don’t know, can we call them “Turtles” or “Turtillians” or something like that?
    And out of respect we should then give the white Americans of European descent a “Turtle” name, like “Wasichus” or “Masis”. Even “Paleface” would do, I think…. It might sound degrading, but after all “we” have been calling them Indians for centuries.
    Personally I think it’s cute that people born in Israel are referred to as “Sabra’s” (a Sabra being the fruit of a cactus, native to Israel) and New Zealanders are called “Kiwis”.
    I’ll leave up to someone else to think of a nice name for African Americans.

    • tombenjey Says:

      Did tribes who lived hundreds of miles from the oceans and Gulf of Mexico consider the continent to be an island?

      • Nana Asmana Says:

        I found this on wikipedia:
        According to Iroquois oral tradition, “the earth was the thought of [a ruler] of a great island which floats in space [and] is a place of eternal peace.”Sky Woman fell down to the earth when it was covered with water, or more specifically, when there was a “great cloud sea”. Various animals tried to swim to the bottom of the ocean to bring back dirt to create land. Muskrat succeeded in gathering dirt, which was placed on the back of a turtle. This dirt began to multiply and also caused the turtle to grow bigger. The turtle continued to grow bigger and bigger and the dirt continued to multiply until it became a huge expanse of land.Thus, when Iroquois cultures refer to the earth, they often call it Turtle Island.

        According to Converse and Parker, the Iroquois faith shared with Hinduism and other religions the “belief that the earth is supported by a gigantic turtle” In the Seneca language, the mythical turtle is called Hah-nu-nah, while the name for an everyday turtle is ha-no-wa.

  12. Bobby Says:

    Many years ago while vacationing in Lake George, New York, my wife and I were on a guided tour by a Native American, he welcomed those on the tour by saying: “Hello people, hello Wasichu.

    At the end of the tour we asked our guide what does wasichu mean, he told us (We are African American) it means “White man who goes crazy over money “. I read most definitions of the word and it appears that most people are trying to dummy down and avoid the true meaning of the word because they are against the meaning since it describes white folks who stole land and killed the original occupants of America.

    I believe our tour guide 100%, since his people had many bad experiences with the crooked ways of white people in his ancestors days.

    The truth is the truth.

    Read more at: https://www.aaanativearts.com/what-does-wasichu-mean#commentform

    Read more at: https://www.aaanativearts.com/what-does-wasichu-mean#commentform

  13. tombenjey Says:

    A major reason for sending children to Carlisle Indian School was to learn to read treaties and other documents to prevent them from being swindled further.

  14. GJD Says:

    I am 1/8th Native American (Blackfoot and Cherokee), my ethnicity “watered down” by Europeans over time. Although I identify as white, not as Native American, my family has always, ALWAYS stressed insistently and proudly their Native American ancestry to their children, their children’s children, and so forth. This might sound silly, even pretentious, but somehow, some way, something was instilled in me, a sadness, and it hurts that Native Americans think so lowly of whites, even today when so much time has gone by since the bad references to white people were well earned. While my family has passed down a certain proud heritage in their children, despite the percentage of Native American bloodline dimenishing with each generation of my family history, I only realized clearly by the posts here that the Native Americans today, regardless of tribe, still hate the white man today just as much as they did back in the early days. Why does this tear at me deep in my heart? It just hurts, and, for some reason, it makes me feel quite sad and hopeless when I dwell on it.

  15. Mare Says:

    I am reading the novel Crow Mary by Kathleen Grissom. The Crow people of the novel call the white man yellow eyes. Do you know why they were called.that.

    • tombenjey Says:

      I have no idea why they did that. Perhaps the color yellow had a special meaning to the Crow.

      • Mary Warner Says:

        Thanks for the reply. I did a little research and all the symbolism was positive. There was a source that said among others things yellow represents the East to the Crow people. So maybe because white men came from the East? Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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